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All About Acne Part 2: The Treatments

Here to find the solution to your acne? Make sure you’ve already checked out our previous article where we talked about the different types and causes of acne. Now, we’re going to shed some light on acne treatments. Read on to see what kind of action you should take to fix your acne!

Acne Treatments

How you treat your acne is related to which kind of acne you have, so understanding the type of acne can help with the solution you use. We’ve listed out all the types and actions to take for each. Read to the end for general tips on what to do for common breakouts and acne!

Ingredients to treat acne

Excessive oil production solution

If excessive oil production is your issue, then try to use ingredients like BHA and niacinamide in order to reduce oil production. Also, balancing out your hormones can be helpful. Maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and reducing stress can help keep a healthy body and happy skin!

Clogged pores/Dead skin cells

For this problem, exfoliating is key! Exfoliating can either be physical or chemical. However, when using physical products, be careful not to strip off your skin barrier. We recommend opting for a chemical exfoliator since they tend to be more gentle. Try looking for ingredients such as AHAs, BHAs, and Retinoids.


If your issue stems from bacteria creating infections, inflammation, and severe acne with pus, try some of these solutions. Refrain from touching your face with dirty hands, and do your best to keep your hands and face clean in order to reduce the amount of bacteria. Also, to reduce the inflammation, try to consume more anti-inflammatory foods.


Next up, papules. They appear as small, red and tender bumps on your skin.


  • Use scrubs
  • Use products with fragrances
  • Cover papules with bandages


  • Use warm water while washing
  • Take a zinc supplement
  • Drink or use green tea products
  • Moisturize with products that contain aloe vera
  • Use Retinoids


If you’re experiencing pustules, which are papules with pus at the tip, then try to implement some of these steps to help resolve the problem.


  • Use products containing essential oils
  • Use home remedies for pustules, as it can cause severe irritation


  • Incorporate salicylic acid and retinoids into your routine
  • Use clay masks to clean out pores
  • Apply a warm compress over pustules to reduce the pain
  • Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer

Cystic Lesions

Painful, pus-filled lumps beneath the skin’s surface are known as cystic lesions.


  • Try to pop it!


  • Grab some ice and cool it down 3 to 4 times a day
  • Use both salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide
  • Cleanse your face twice and use a salicyclic acid cleanser
  • Use an oil-free moisturizer
  • Use a spot treatment like benzoyl peroxide
  • For a super painful cyst, try topping it off with some hydrocortisone cream


Acne that appear as large, solid, and painful lumps under the skin’s surface are called nodules. Consider implementing the following:


  • Only rely on over-the-counter products – nodularΒ acne is considered a more severe form of acne!


  • Seek professional help. Using prescription strength salicylic acid can help to dry out the dead skin
  • Try prescription strength benzoyl peroxide
  • Use retinoids products
  • Chemical exfoliate twice a week
  • If hormonal changes are the problem, birth control pills could help


Small bumps under the skin, or mechanica can be helped by taking the following steps.

  • Reduce stress
  • Take showers immediately after workouts
  • Sweat and friction are the cause of mechanica so make sure to wear breathable clothing
  • If you need to wear sports gear or helmet, make sure to wrap your skin with a cloth underneath
  • Use salicylic acid
  • Don’t scrub


Lastly, if you’re dealing with inflamed nodules connected to other nodules beneath the skin, or conglobata, our advice is simple. See your dermatologist ASAP! Only oral medication and early treatment can help with these types of acne.

Finally read to get started but not sure where to find acne treatments for your skin type? Log into PickyΒ and use our acne-free filter to get started. Don’t forget to alsoΒ follow us on InstagramΒ and read more from our blog for more skincare science content!

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